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Updated: 2002-09-30 01:00

The Picnic for Bears Is Over (2002/09/30)


The Picnic for Bears Is OverWhen Romanians shot Nicolae Ceausescu, it was good news for the bears -- the Communist dictator had shot hundreds of them personally.

Now, though, the party's over -- the bears have become so numerous in some areas that Romanians are shooting them again.

In Brasov, more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks, prompting authorities to begin culling the animals, which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe.

"We've put down three and plan to kill another four in the coming weeks," the head of the local hunting association, Tudor Danet, told reporters on Thursday. "They might become dangerous."

Since Ceausescu's summary execution on Christmas Day 1989, bear numbers have risen sharply, Danet added -- Ceausescu used to invite cronies and foreign dignitaries to lavish shooting parties, sometimes bagging dozens of bears in a single day.

Some locals who have been making money by acting as guides for Western tourists keen for a sight of the animals are not happy about the cull. But Danet said the area of Transylvanian mountain around Brasov could not support the 34 bears there now. "It's a pity," German tourist Erich Zimen told television in Brasov, "They are wonderful. And if you are courageous you can even feed them."





The Picnic for Bears Is Over当地猎杀协会的负责人图多尔·达内26日对记者说:"我们已经杀掉了3头,接下来的几周内计划还要再杀4头。因为这些熊可能给人们带来更多的危险。"




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