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Updated: 2002-09-06 01:00

63 Reasons to Hope--Babies Born Post-Sept. 11 Gather in New York(2002/09/06)


The women who gathered with their babies for a photo session in New York this summer looked just like any other group of new mothers.

 Reasons to Hope--Babies Born Post-Sept. 11 Gather in New YorkBut as they chatted, their small talk told a different story: "What did your husband do?" ... "His mom called me right away"... "They found a lot of Frank, right?" ... "I think the hardest part is going to be explaining it to my kids."

The women all lost their husbands on Sept. 11 and gave birth to their children in the months afterward. Primetime had met many of the women in the course of the year, and wanted to bring them together for a photograph to commemorate what for them has been a harrowing year, the joy of their babies' births tempered by the sorrow of their loss.

Going Through Pregnancy Alone

Sixty-one women ended up participating, with two sets of twins making a total of 63 babies - roughly half of the babies known to have been born to Sept. 11 widows.

The 63 babies were a happy sight, but the loss that unites their mothers, of course, was not. In a similar way, while the mothers said their babies had brought them joy, many said that having to go through a pregnancy alone had made their grieving even harder.

"I think he's a gift," said Haven Fyfe of her 1-month-old Parker, "but I did not think being pregnant and being a widow was a gift. I thought it was very cruel." Fyfe had told her husband Karleton that she was pregnant just two days before he died on board American Airlines Flight 11. She went through a long and painful natural childbirth, but said the pain was "a cathartic release for me about the anger that I have about my husband's death."

Katy Soulas said she wishes her husband Tim, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center, was present at the birth of their sixth child, Daniel, so she could have thanked him for making her a mother. But she said she sensed his presence: "I felt Tim holding my hand. So he was with me."

Many of the women said the single hardest moment of the past year was coming home with their baby, to a home without a father, and then facing the prospect of raising their children alone.

"It would be very easy to just stop," said Patti Quigley, as her baby Leigh gurgled on her lap. "She wakes up at 6, like clockwork, every day, and I can't just let her lie there.... Once I'm up, I'm all right."

The widows, many of whom were meeting each other for the first time, found some solace in coming together. "It's incredible to take in, that so many people are going through the same thing," said Barbara Atwood, whose husband Gerald was a firefighter. "There's some comfort, unfortunately, in that - and there's strength in it."

Rings for Remembrance

For many of the widows, their wedding rings have taken on a special importance.
Terilyn Patrick had celebrated her first wedding anniversary with her husband Jim on Sept. 9. Searchers found his wedding ring lying amid all the destruction at Ground Zero. Patrick plans to give it to her newborn son Jack, who she says already has his father's smile.




这些妇女的丈夫在9·11恐怖袭击中不幸丧生。她们在后来的几个月内生下了遗腹子。ABC"黄金时段"(Prime Time)节目组在这一年中遇到了许多这样的妇女,作为9·11周年祭的献礼节目,他们想要把她们都请到一起,照一张合影,用以纪念这令人痛心的一年,失去亲人的痛苦冲淡了婴儿出生带来的喜悦。



孩子们欢闹的场面是幸福的,然而他们的妈妈独自承受的丧夫之痛、分娩之苦,是常人难以想象的。 许多母亲都认为孩子的诞生给她们带来了欢乐,但同时也令她们越发地思念自己的丈夫。








(中国日报网站 张楠)

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