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Updated: 2002-04-10 01:00

Laura and Cherie On a Crusade (2002/04/10)

美英第一夫人携手为乳腺癌患者献爱心 (2002/04/10)

Laura and Cherie On a CrusadeCherie Blair and Laura Bush come from opposite ends of modern womanhood.

While Cherie is a leading barrister with a six-figure salary, the president's wife was a shy former librarian who loves cooking.

But when they met at Camp David in February, they quickly found they shared a crusade - battling breast cancer.

Cherie lost an aunt and a best friend to the disease and Laura's mother was a victim.

As Tony and Dubya got ready to plot the world's future in Crawford, Texas, the First Ladies joined forces to help women with the disease.

They kicked off their weekend together by attending a fund-raising event for breast cancer awareness and research.

Cherie, who arrived in Texas before her husband, told the audience in Dallas on Thursday: "We associate our breasts with our nurturing, our sexuality. To find a lump and to think of having that femininity removed is agonising.

"But there is still life after breast cancer. You can still feel alive and sexy."

Laura added: "Many of us know and love someone who has had breast cancer and it is very important we work together to find a cure.

"Cherie thought it would be fun if we worked together to increase awareness in breast cancer care and support."

Each year 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the US and 40,000 in Britain.








Laura and Cherie On a Crusade切莉先于布莱尔到达德克萨斯,4月4日她在德州东北部城市达拉斯参加公益活动时对观众们说道:"我们的乳房在哺乳和性生活中都有很重要的作用,所以如果发现乳房中有了肿块,女性魅力大打折扣,该会是多么痛苦啊!"






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