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Updated: 2002-04-05 01:00

Lion Defies Nature by Adopting Oryx - Again (2002/04/05)

母狮子有违天性,收养小羚羊作"义子" (2002/04/05)

Lion Defies Nature by Adopting Oryx - Again
The lioness with a former charge
A lioness who has already defied nature twice this year by adopting a baby oryx -- an antelope that Africa's top predator usually likes to eat -- has done it again, adopting a third oryx.

Game wardens at Samburu National Park said Monday they had found the lioness with a four or five-day-old oryx called Easter Saturday. She had previously adopted new born oryxes over New Year and on Valentine's Day.

On each occasion, she has given the calves affection, protection from other lions, and even allowed their natural mothers to come and feed them.

"Yesterday, two oryxes came (near the lion and calf), probably the mother and father," chief warden Simon Leirana told reporters. "The lioness left the calf and went to sleep in the shade.

"The calf went to its mother and started suckling for about three minutes, then the lioness ran toward them and the mother oryx ran away."

Leirana said the calf tried to follow its mother, but was pursued by the lioness who eventually won "her" baby back.

Wardens said the latest adoptee looked well and strong. Oryx number two was taken away from the lioness after its condition deteriorated from lack of food.

Oryx number one was not so lucky. The lioness managed to protect it for two weeks before a hungry male lion with a traditional diet seized the baby while the lioness was napping.


在非洲,狮子本是羚羊的天敌,而Samburu国家公园中的一只母狮子居然违背了其"非洲头号食肉动物"的天性, 在一年内收养了三只本被它们视为美餐的非洲羚羊幼崽。









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