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Updated: 2002-03-15 01:00

Roman Gladiator Faces Jail for Bearing Sword (2002/03/15)

私自佩剑有悖法律,"角斗士"面临牢狱之灾 (2002/03/15)

Roman Gladiator Faces Jail for Bearing SwordAn aspiring Italian actor who poses for tourists as a sword-touting Roman gladiator in front of the Colosseum could face up to three years in jail for bearing illegal arms, police said on Tuesday.

Franco Magni, 29, and a handful of other men dressed in feathered helmets, studded breastplates and Roman sandals charge tourists to take their picture in front of the ruins of the amphitheater.

But unlike his colleagues, Magni had armed himself with a real sword. In coming days he will have to appear in front of a judge on charges of "illegally bearing arms without a license," a police spokesman told reporters.

"The other centurions use plastic or wooden swords, but this man was carrying around a real sword. No one in Italy can just walk around with arms like that," he said.

Police swooped on Magni after a tourist filed a complaint against him for carrying a sword. They confiscated the weapon, but released Magni to await trial in freedom.

Magni could be sentenced to up to three years in jail if found guilty.





Roman Gladiator Faces Jail for Bearing Sword这位发言人说:"其他的'角斗士'佩戴的剑都是塑料或者木头制的,但是这个人(马尼)却带着一把真剑到处走动。意大利是不允许像这样带着武器外出的。"




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