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    Nation, Venezuela expand co-operation

2005-01-31 06:32

CARACAS: China and Venezuela should implement co-operative projects in key sectors such as energy, agriculture, infrastructure and high-technology, Vice-President Zeng Qinghong said here on Saturday.

In a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Zeng said China and Venezuela should expand co-operation by encouraging contacts in politics, culture, the press, and science and technology.

Since the two countries announced they would forge a strategic partnership for common development in 2001, Zeng said bilateral collaboration in various fields has advanced rapidly.

During Chavez's recent visit to China, leaders reached important consensus on laying a new foundation for furthering relations, he said.

Chavez agreed on Zeng's viewpoints, noting ties are based on equality, mutual benefit and respect. Co-operation in agriculture, energy, science and technology is developing rapidly, he said.

The Chinese economy is growing at a fast pace and Venezuela is also striving to develop its economy, offering a good opportunity for reinforcing co-operation, he said.

The signing of a series of agreements demonstrates the sincere aspirations for co-operation, he said, adding Zeng's visit would help push political, economic, trade and social relations to a new level.

Accords, communique

After the talks, Zeng and Chavez attended a signing ceremony for 19 accords on issues ranging from economic co-operation to visa procedures.

The documents include a letter of intent on China's investment in the construction of an special agricultural economic zone on Guara Island and Venezuela's telecommunications network.

The countries signed memoranda of understanding on the peaceful utilization of outer space, ocean shipping, and an pact on oil and gas exploitation.

They also agreed to simplify visa procedures for officials engaged in governmental co-operation programmes.

Also on Saturday, the two sides jointly issued a press communique, saying they were glad to see Venezuela's recognition of China's status as a full market economy during Chavez's 2004 visit.

They vowed to further develop and reinforce economic co-operation in a bid to create a long-term stable and fair trading environment.

The communique said Venezuela will stick to a one-China policy and oppose "Taiwan independence."It supports China's peaceful reuni-fication under the principle of "one country, two systems" and the adoption of an anti-secession law.

Meanwhile, Zeng on Saturday urged to deepen mutually beneficial co-operation and seek common development.

At the China-Venezuela business seminar also held on Saturday, Zeng urged to deepen mutually beneficial co-operation and seek common development.

Zeng said China regards ties with Latin America from the strategic viewpoint of tightening unity and co-operation among developing nations, and is making practical efforts to enhance co-operation.

He said peoples of both Latin America and China will enjoy more practical benefits brought about by co-operation, since the economies are highly complementary and mutual political trust has been enhanced.

(China Daily 01/31/2005 page5)


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