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    Spokesman rejects US religion report

2004-09-17 05:33

China rejected the US State Department's annual report on religious freedom yesterday with "strong displeasure" and "resolute objection."

Commenting on the "International Religious Freedom Report 2004" released by the US State Department, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said the report's section concerning China disregarded the truth and wantonly attacked China's religious and ethnic policies.

"The US is pointing its finger at other countries' domestic affairs," Kong said.

The report's criticism of China's religious policies and freedom situation defied facts, spurned principles of international laws and interfered with China's domestic affairs, said a statement released by the Foreign Ministry.

China has been protecting its citizens' religious rights in accordance with the law, Kong said, adding that it is an obvious fact that all ethnic groups and people throughout the country enjoy religious freedom.

Kong urged the United States to stop interfering in China's internal affairs under the guise of religious issues in order to avoid damages to bilateral relations.

The annual report, covering 191 countries and regions, criticizes a number of developing countries' governments "engaged in systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedoms."

US law mandates that the State Department issue an annual report on the status of religious freedom around the world.

(China Daily 09/17/2004 page1)


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