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China to buy environment-friendly buses powered by hydrogen
( 2003-12-19 17:12) (Xinhua)

China announced Thursday a plan to buy six buses powered by hydrogen for trial operations in Shanghai and Beijing.

It is hoped the environment-friendly vehicles will eventually  replace conventionally fueled buses.

Chen Jiachang, head of the 32 million US dollar project, said  Chinese and overseas experts will analyze data collected from the  buses to test the technological feasibility of the buses.

China plans to eventually produce the bus in great numbers and  use them across the country to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emission.

Chen said the United States, Japan, the European Union and  China have developed buses powered by hydrogen fuel, but they are  all at trial stage.

The official said the buses, unlike those that use gas as fuel, will not pollute the air as they would discharge only water and  heat.

The Chinese Government, the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Development Program have committed 32.36 million US dollars in funding support for the trial operation program, said  Chen.

China launched a similar research and development program a  decade ago, and  an engine system with a capacity of 50 kilowatts  has been developed.

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