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  Sino-Japanese trade disputes

December 2000, Japan began investigation into Chinese exports of onions and mushrooms.

February 2001, Japanese towel makers applied for emergency safeguards against imports from China.

March 2001, Japan plans to strengthen its entry-exit inspection of farm produce from April to October, virtually blocking China's farm exports to the country.

April 2001, Japan decided to establish emergency safeguard against imports of onions, mushrooms and tatami rushes, all mainly coming from China. The safeguard was expected to last from April 23 to November 8 and then face further review.

April-May 2001, Japanese makers of chopsticks, bikes, ties, stockings and eel-breeders were reportedly plan to seek for similar government protection against imports, mainly coming from China.

June 2001, Japan stopped importing chicken and duck from the Chinese mainland from 8th because of an alleged flu infection.

June 2001, China declared a 100 per cent special tariffs on automobiles, wireless phones and air conditioners from Japan.

July 3-4, 2001, China and Japan held department director-level talks on the trade dispute in Beijing. The talks failed to make substantial progress on the issue, although both sides expressed strong hopes that the dispute would not spread to damage long-term bilateral trade and that the problem could soon be solved through bilateral negotiations.


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