CHINA DAILY - Monday October 6,2008
Latest tests on Chinese dairy products have found no traces of melamine, following a scandal involving powdered milk tainted with the chemical, the country's top quality supervision agency said yesterday.
Reaching for the top
Guinness World Record judge Carlos Martinez stands in front of the world's tallest Lego tower at 29.48 m in Vienna yesterday. The tower beat the previous record of 29.3 m.                  Reuters
Charity work in China needs more funding, more helping hands and more grassroots charitable organizations at local and rural levels, a senior official recently said.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's economic reforms and opening-up initiated by Deng Xiaoping. Over the past 30 years, China maintained an average GDP growth of more than 9 percent. Rapid economic growth has lifted at least 235 million people out of poverty and created a burgeoning urban middle class that has a growing stake in continued reforms and modernization. China's success has created enormous interest among developing countries to distill China's experiences and share knowledge with China. So a natural question is: how has China achieved the economic miracle, and what are the underlying factors unique to China's development process?
China Scene
Zhengzhou girl snubs rich parents' succession plans
Saudi Arabia Special
"Reading books about China and visiting China gave me an idea about the generosity and friendliness of its people, however my expectations were much lower than what I found in reality," Yahya A Al-Zaid, ambassador of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, said in a recent interview with China Daily.
Falling behind in the polls one month before Election Day, Republican John McCain stepped up efforts to portray Barack Obama as unacceptable for American voters. His vice-presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, accused the Democratic nominee of "palling around with terrorists".
The Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics revealed the Middle Kingdom on a fascinating scroll that displayed some of the most iconic Chinese elements: beautiful blue-white porcelain, the writing brush, xuan paper and ink slab. But perhaps most attractive of all were the Olympic medals inlaid with jade.
LONDON: A rare header by Cesc Fabregas three minutes into injury time earned Arsenal a 1-1 draw on Saturday after hosts Sunderland seemed on course for an upset victory in the Premier League.