Full Text: Report on central, local budgets

Updated: 2010-03-16 16:23
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6. Other budgetary revenue and expenditures provided for in the government budget

Beginning in 2010, in addition to the budgets for revenue and expenditures of public finances specified above, the State Council will submit to the NPC a budget for government-managed funds and a budget for the central government's state capital operations. The State Council will also compile a national budget for social security funds on a trial basis to lay a foundation for submitting a social security budget to the NPC for its deliberation and approval in the future. The budgets for public finances, state capital operations, government-managed funds, and social security will be coordinated to form a more complete system of government budgets.

1) Aggregate budgetary revenue and expenditures projected for government-managed funds. In 2010 budgetary revenue from central government-managed funds will be 255.449 billion yuan, an increase of 4.682 billion yuan or 1.9%. This figure includes 1 billion yuan from the Three Gorges Project construction fund, 58.2 billion yuan from the railroad construction fund, 10 billion yuan from port development fees, 12.1 billion yuan from civilian airport administration and development fees, 20.469 billion yuan from lottery ticket proceeds, and 15 billion yuan from the fund for providing continuing aid to residents relocated to make way for the construction of large and medium-sized reservoirs. Adding the 65.571 billion yuan in revenue carried over from last year, the total budgetary revenue from central government-managed funds will be 321.02 billion yuan. Budgetary expenditure from central government-managed funds has been set at 321.02 billion yuan, an increase of 78.366 billion yuan or 32.3%. This total consists of two parts. The first is 205.012 billion yuan of central government spending, an increase of 22.288 billion yuan or 12.2%. This includes 2.79 billion yuan for developing the Three Gorges Project; 58.2 billion yuan for building railroads; 4.82 billion yuan for developing ports; 7.031 billion yuan for civilian airport administration and development; and 16.794 billion yuan of lottery ticket proceeds used to finance social welfare, sports, education, and other social programs. The second part is 116.008 billion yuan of transfer payments to local governments, an increase of 56.078 billion yuan or 93.6%.

Revenue from local government-managed funds will reach 1.615 trillion yuan, an increase of 32.263 billion yuan or 2%. This figure includes 1.365517 trillion yuan of revenue from the transfer of state-owned land-use rights, which consists of the fees for the transfer of these rights, income of the state-owned land income fund and the agricultural land development fund, and compensation for the use of land newly designated for development; 34 billion yuan from urban infrastructure construction fees; 21.5 billion yuan in lottery ticket proceeds; and 18 billion yuan from local education surcharges. Adding 116.008 billion yuan of transfer payments from the central government, the budgetary revenue from local government-managed funds will be 1.731008 trillion yuan. The budget for expenditures from these funds has been set at 1.731008 trillion yuan, an increase of 301.853 billion yuan or 21.1%. This total includes 1.421412 trillion yuan of revenue from the transfer of state-owned land-use rights for spending on compensation for land expropriation, housing demolition, and resident relocation as well as on land development; 31.615 billion yuan from lottery ticket proceeds used to finance social welfare, sports, education, and other social programs; 34 billion yuan for urban infrastructure construction; and 18 billion yuan for local education. Budgetary revenue and expenditures from local government-managed funds will be submitted by local governments to the people's congresses at their respective levels for deliberation and approval.