Foreign and Military Affairs

Peace should be upheld in S China Sea: Tang

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-09-25 09:00
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Former Chinese official says the region should avoid conflict

SINGAPORE - Former Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan said on Friday that it is in the common interests of China, ASEAN and countries in the region to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, to prevent the widening and complication of the issue and to avoid regional conflict and tension.

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Delivering an opening keynote speech at the inaugural Singapore Global Dialogue organized by the S Rajaratnam School for International Studies, Tang said China is ready to continue to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with concerned countries to allow parties to settle the dispute peacefully through bilateral and friendly consultations. Peace should be upheld in S China Sea: Tang

Pending the resolution of the dispute, differences may be shelved and joint development may be conducted, Tang said.

He stressed that the "Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea" (DOC) needs to be followed in good faith to create mutual trust between concerned countries, favorable conditions and an atmosphere for the ultimate settlement of bilateral disputes.

Tang said the Chinese government attaches great importance to the security of international shipping routes and freedom of passage in the South China Sea and ensures legitimate freedom of navigation of other countries in the South China Sea, according to international law.

"I believe, through concerted efforts of concerned countries, the South China Sea can, by all means, be a sea of peace, cooperation and friendship," he said.

Xinhua News Agency