Government and Policy

36m copies of illegal publications destroyed

By Zhang Jiawei (
Updated: 2010-04-26 10:42
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China has destroyed 36 million copies of pirated and illegal publications in its 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, in a bid to show the government's determination in protecting intellectual property, the Guangming Daily reported Monday.

Each year in celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, which falls on April 26, China will hold activities nationwide to destroy pirated and illegal publications, in order to increase public awareness of intellectual property protection.

A total of 15 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities each destroyed more than 1 million copies of pirated and illegal publications in this year's activity.

It was reported that China had obtained 8.48 million illegal publications and handled 1,894 intellectual property infringement cases in the first quarter of this year in a bid to create a good cultural environment for the Shanghai Word Expo.