Government and Policy

China's prosecutors told to set up briefing system

Updated: 2010-03-29 22:54
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BEIJING - China's prosecutors should hold regular press conferences and promptly release information regarding major criminal cases and matters of public interest, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) announced Monday.

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In a document issued to local procuratorates and made public, the SPP said regular press conferences should be held once every quarter and ad hoc conferences should be called as required.

Prosecutors should also provide timely information about their work and initiatives to promote information disclosure, the document said.

News released at the conferences should cover significant policies and judicial rules, information about major incidents or criminal cases, and the procuratorates' response to issues of public interest, the document said.

People's procuratorates at provincial level should appoint their own spokespersons, the document said.

The SPP created its own news release system and appointed a spokesperson in 1988.

According to the document, procuratorates should release news information through press conferences, press release, official websites, interviews, and the spokesperson's statements, conversations and answer to reporters' questions.