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China-Africa trade up 45% in 2008 to $107 billion
Updated: 2009-02-11 23:23
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BEIJING -- Trade between China and Africa reached a record US$106.84 billion in 2008, up 45.1 percent from a year earlier, customs figures showed Wednesday.

Exports to Africa reached US$50.84 billion, up 36.3 percent. Imports from Africa hit US$56 billion, up 54 percent.

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China had a trade deficit of US$5.16 billion with Africa in 2008, compared with a surplus of US$940 million in 2007.

The number of African countries with which China had more than US$1 billion in trade increased to 20 in 2008 from 14 in 2007.

Angola remained China's largest trading partner in Africa and South Africa came the second.