CHINA> Society
Woman wards off rape by biting attacker's tongue
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-07-29 14:43

A man surnamed Zhang, was detained by police late last week upon arrival at a hospital in Zhengzhou, Henan province. Zhang, 30, came in for treatment of his badly bitten tongue, an injury inflicted by the woman he had earlier tried to rape.

Zhang tried to force his attentions upon the local female resident, who prefers to be referred to as Xiao Hong, at 11:30 pm in the city's Huiji district as she was on her way home from working the night shift. Xiao resisted Zhang's advances and bit his tongue, which sent him scurrying for medical aid.

When Xiao told her husband and family members what had happened, they, realizing the attacker would seek treatment, decided to make enquiries at every hospital in the district.

Xiao and her family found Zhang at the fifth hospital they visited, and immediately called in the police. Zhang was detained on suspicion of attempted rape.

(Dongfang Jinbao News)