Evidence of Dalai clique's role in riots released

(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-04-02 07:21

China's Ministry of Public Security said on Tuesday that it had gathered sufficient evidence showing that the March 14 riots in Lhasa were not isolated or accidental but part of the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" plotted by the Dalai clique.

Solid facts showed that the unrest in Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet autonomous region, was organized, premeditated, masterminded and instigated by the Dalai clique and its "Tibet independence" forces, the ministry said.

"No matter what guise they use, the irrefutable facts cannot be changed," it said.

Beijing will host the 29th Summer Olympic Games in 2008, which also marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up.

The international sporting event has drawn worldwide attention, including from the Dalai clique, which has been in exile for more than 40 years, the ministry said.

The Dalai clique believed that this would be "the last chance" for them and decided to launch the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" within and outside China, attempting to "create a crisis in China through awakening and coordinating the maneuver in Tibet," the ministry said.

The ministry listed a series of recent events that showed the actions that the Dalai clique had taken to support the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement":

- In May 2007, the clique held the "Fifth International Conference of Tibet Support Groups" in Brussels, which Samdhong, the "prime minister" of the "Tibetan government-in-exile", attended. The clique approved a "strategic plan" at the conference and decided to launch activities opposing the Beijing Olympics.

- Subsequently, the "Tibet independence" forces in the United States proposed the idea of the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement." Senior officials of the Dalai clique studied and approved the plan. They believed that 2008 would be their last chance to achieve "Tibet independence" and decided to use the "favorable opportunity" before the Olympics to stage sabotage activities in the Tibetan-inhabited areas in China.

- Late last year, several "Tibetan independence" secessionist organizations, including the "Tibetan Youth Congress," the "Tibetan Women's Association" and "Students for a Free Tibet", met in India, where they agreed on the demands to be made to the Chinese government .

These included: "The Dalai Lama should be allowed to return to Tibet, all Chinese should leave Tibet and release all the political prisoners."

They said that if the Chinese government failed to meet their demands, they would launch the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" within and outside China, and they would also set up a contact network between Tibetans in exile and Tibetans in China to stage coordinated activities in China.

- On Jan 4 and 25, seven "Tibet independence" organizations, - the "Tibetan Youth Congress," the "Tibetan Women's Association," "Students for a Free Tibet," the "Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet," the "National Democratic Party of Tibet," the "International Tibet Support Network" and the "Tibetan Writers Organization," held press conferences in New Delhi, where they issued the so-called "Declaration of Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" and then posted it on the Internet.

In the so-called "declaration," they turned a blind eye to the fact that Tibet has since ancient times been a part of the Chinese territory, claiming that "Tibet and China are two different countries" and "China is not qualified to host the Olympic Games without resolving the Tibet issue".

They also announced that they would launch a massive, ongoing "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" from March 10, in an attempt to make it the "great turning point in the history of Tibet's fight for freedom."

To implement the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement," the "Tibetan Youth Congress" and other "Tibet independence" organizations held two training classes on how to carry out violent, terrorist activities.

- From Feb 3-10, the Dalai Lama attended religious activities in a temple in India and fanned sentiment among the believers by claiming that "although the Tibetan people are under the rule of the Communist Party of China, their hearts are on the other side."

The Dalai clique drew up an "action plan" for the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement": Starting the "Peaceful March to Tibet" overseas from March 10; asking Tibetans around the world, including those in Tibet, to take to the streets on March 10; launching such activities as a "Freedom Torch Relay," "Global Torch Relay" and "Global Action Day"; organizing violent attacks on various Chinese embassies and staging hunger strikes and massive protests.

"The 'Tibetan People's Uprising Movement' plotted by the Dalai clique is intended to sabotage the peaceful, stable and unified social situation in China and use the Olympic Games to put pressure on the Chinese government, thus achieving their political aims," a spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security said.

"The word 'uprising' means to overthrow the present regime through armed force and violence. So I'm wondering, is there any country that allows such an 'uprising' against the central government? Is there any country that tolerates such activities wantonly instigating the subversion of a state regime?" he said.

"Tibet independence" forces have carried out a series of activities directed and masterminded by the Dalai clique since March 10.

On March 10, the Dalai clique held a rally in Dharamsala, India to commemorate the anniversary of the so-called "Tibet uprising" in 1959. the Dalai Lama, Samdhong and other important figures in the clique spoke at the rally.

Speaking on the occasion, the 14th Dalai Lama said "the repression of the Tibetans in China over the past few years is unprecedented."

Trainers taught the members of "Students for a Free Tibet (SFT)" that the Dalai Lama was the spiritual leader, inspirer and guide of the uprising.

Immediately after the Lhasa riots, the Dalai Lama said on March 14: "These protests are a manifestation of the deep-rooted resentment of the Tibetan people under the present governance."

On March 16, the Dalai Lama told a press conference: "Whether intentionally or unintentionally, somewhere cultural genocide is taking place" and that "The Chinese military is determined to crush, and the Tibetan side is determined to resist."

In late March, the Dalai Lama gathered together leaders of the "Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC)", "Tibetan Women's Association (TWA)" and SFT to discuss how to deal with the situation in the Tibet.

After the Lhasa riots, Samdhong, the "prime minister" of the "Tibetan government-in-exile," called an emergency meeting to research how to expand the "revolution results".

The meeting demanded full support to the riots. The "ministry of security", "ministry of religion and culture", "foreign affairs and press ministry" and "the ministry of finance" all had their assignments.

In mid-March, the Dalai clique set up a seven-member "Tibet unity committee" headed by Gama Qoinpe, "speaker of the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies," to command and coordinate the "uprising movement" worldwide.

On March 22, the "Tibetan government-in-exile" issued a declaration to all Tibetans in the world, claiming that "the peaceful uprising in Tibet is very great, glorious with historic significance, and fully demonstrates the spirit and courage of the Tibetan ethnic group" and that "we Tibetans should act in light of the instructions of our great political and religious leader the Dalai Lama for the sake of our due happiness."

Special funds were prepared by the "ministry of security" of the Dalai clique for carrying out the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" in the Tibetan-inhabited areas in China.

On March 11, the "ministry of security" held a small celebration and gave awards to the organizers of the March 10 riots. An "official" said that the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" had only begun and further activities would be conducted.

On March 14, the "government-in-exile" held a conference participated by various departments and ordered the "ministry of security" to start up more conflicts in areas inhabited by Tibetans.

On March 17, the Dalai clique established an emergency high-level committee to transfer the principals behind the Lhasa riots to Dharamsala.

The committee decided that open riots and conflicts should cease and give way to underground "religious activities" to keep on confronting the Chinese government.

This was exactly the so-called plan of the "Uprising Day" plotted by the "Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" and it was carried out exactly in line with that plan, the spokesman said.

Solid evidence proves Dalai's claim that he had not participated in nor supported any violent and secession activities is nothing but a lie, the spokesman said.

Police officers have found copies of "Declaration of Tibetan People's Uprising Movement"; copies of the Dalai Lama's speech on March 10; pictures of the clique's members undertaking secessionist activities and computers used to contact officials of the clique's "government in exile" in the residence of a person who allegedly took part in the riots.

The suspect was arrested on March 15 on charges of accepting the clique's orders and undertaking secessionist activities.

Evidence showed that the suspect was a core member of the rioters who have been connected to the Dalai clique since November 2006 with the goal of carrying out the following activities:

- The suspect cultivated 12 intelligence agents and established a tight underground intelligence network in Tibet to conduct secessionist activities, prompted by the official from the "security ministry" of the Dalai clique.

- The agents used code words to contact each other in the intelligence network, such as calling the Dalai Lama "Uncle" and the Tibetan flag a "skirt", with clergy smuggled into Tibet being called "guests".

- The suspect transmitted information 36 times to an official of the clique via the Internet. The information that he had collected from March 2007 to March 2008 domestically included domestic clerics' so-called "rejection of criticism of the Dalai Lama," and the so-called "killing of wild animals and ecological destruction" in Tibet.

- The suspect also received information about the Dalai Lama's activities from the Dalai clique, produced disks and distributed these in Tibet.

The ministry revealed that the suspect and his intelligence network also spread propaganda supporting the Dalai clique and disputing China's religious policies in Tibetan monasteries.

After the Lhasa riots, agents in Tibet and officials of the clique had more frequent contacts. The official sent the "Declaration of Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" to the suspect, who later made copies of it and distributed it in Lhasa. The suspect also mobilized agents in the intelligence network to collect information and report to the Dalai clique.

The suspect who directly organized and participated in the Lhasa riots on March 14 has confessed to all of the accusations above.

Police officers have also arrested several persons who were suspected of participating in the riots. Preliminary police investigations found the proof of these activities and communication between the suspects and officials of the Dalai clique.

The suspect, Ngagwang Namgyi, admitted that he has undertaken secessionist activities for nearly 20 years. Ngagwang Namgyi was legally punished in 1989 as a monk in Lhasa's Zhebung Monastery for participating in a riot in the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region that year.

"I owned five groceries in Doilungdeqen (a county on the outskirts of Lhasa) and six of the employees have criminal records. We have undertaken secessionist activities," said Ngagwang Namgyi, against whom testimony was given by other suspects.

The police have found that the Internet became an important channel for the Dalai clique to release its orders, many parts of the "Declaration of Tibetan People's Uprising Movement" and action plans.

The Dalai clique has found new ways to contact secessionists in Tibet. They would make appointments through telephone and Internet. At the appointed time, they would listen to Tiebtan language programs on the Voice of America, through which they convey instructions from overseas and report latest developments inside China.

To spread the impact of the riots, key figures of the Dalai clique stole into China to spread rumors. They paid people to take part in the rioting and even had a policy of "more job, more pay".

"About 50 of us smashed several stores in Xuexin village on the afternoon of March 15, and I got paid several hundreds of yuan," said Zhoi'ma, from the Nyingchi prefecture of Tibet.

Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan province is regarded by the Dalai clique as a "model area" for secessionist activities.

Since the outbreak of violence, overseas separatist forces had frequently called local contacts in Garze, urging them to "make things bigger."

Overseas separatists have been trying hard to disseminate reactionary books, discs and pictures in Garze recently.

Since mid-February, Chengdu Customs had seized large quantities of materials advocating "Tibet independence", brought in from India to local monasteries and villages.

One of the Tibetan separatist organizations - the "Tibetan Youth Congress" - recently issued orders to conduct long-term guerrilla warfare in Garze. Details of the riots show that they were well-planned in advance.

During the March 14 Lhasa riots, all those stores hanging hadas outside were spared.

In the riots that took place in Xiahe county of Gansu province on March 14 and March 15, there were core members wearing black bands on their heads or arms in almost all the demonstrations.

Intelligence shows that for the next move, the "Tibet independence" separatist forces will send death squads to break into the territory by force, the spokesman said.

He said that he hoped people worldwide would remain vigilant against the activities organized by the Dalai clique and the "Tibet Independence" separatists.

"We firmly believe that lies can never cover up the truth, and that facts will eventually expose the true intention of the Dalai clique to split the country," he said.


(China Daily 04/02/2008 page7)

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