Nation ready to join US FutureGen power project

By Wu Chong (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-10-19 07:08

China is poised to join FutureGen, an initiative by US President George W. Bush to build a giant emission-free power plant.

Shang Yong, vice-minister of science and technology, said the government will soon begin negotiations with the US about possible rights and obligations for participation in the Government Steering Committee.

The plan was announced yesterday at the ongoing 12th US-China Joint Commission Meeting on Scientific and Technological Co-operation.

John Marburger, science adviser to the US president and head of the US delegation, said he was "glad" that China, the world's largest coal producer and consumer, was showing an interest in the programme.

"China must take advantage of high-tech energy projects to meet the increasing domestic energy needs," Marburger said in an interview.

Initiated three years ago, FutureGen is a 10-year effort that plans to collect about US$950 million in international funds to build a zero-emission, coal-fired electric and hydrogen production plant.

It will try to integrate advanced technologies in coal gasification, hydrogen from coal, power generation, and carbon dioxide capture and geologic storage.

Under the scheme, each signatory needs to contribute US$10 million to the programme. In the meantime, participants can benefit from development of any new technologies.

Lee Hwa Gebert, a senior official with the US Department of Energy, said the draft of general agreement for FutureGen partners is still being reviewed by the US Department of State.

"After it is passed, which may take several months, the two countries can actually sit down and have a further talk," she said.

India and the Republic of Korea were the first two participants in FutureGen. And China Huaneng Group, the country's leading power corporation, was a step ahead of the government as it joined the programme last year as a company member.

"FutureGen looks like a far distant solution for the public, but it is a roadmap for clean coal technology," Xu Jing, deputy director with the high tech division of the Ministry of Science and Technology, told China Daily.

He said the programme is the ultimate goal for comprehensive energy use, since the plant will produce both electricity and hydrogen out of coal.

"Before realizing the goal, we need to improve current coal gasification technologies," Xu said.

The ministry plans to build several pilot power plants for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) across the country within the next five years. IGCC is emerging as one of the most promising technologies for realization of low-emission power generation, by utilizing low-quality solid and liquid fuels.

There are five similar pilot power stations in the US and several in Europe, the official said.

"We will encourage companies to lead the plan and in return, they will gain some subsidies," Xu said.

"These IGCC plants are preparations for an upgrade to more advanced plants suggested in FutureGen."

The biennial Sino-US joint meeting kicked off yesterday. It aims to help both countries develop new science and technology co-operation areas.

In addition to clean energy technologies, both sides also agreed on further collaboration in climate change, water resource management, earth observation and nanotechnologies.