Woman gives birth on street
By Ma xiaotang (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2006-09-15 17:32

Wang Taohua gave birth on the street after a taxi driver kicked her out of his taxi in Chongqing Municipality on September 2, the Chongqing Evening News reported on September 3.

Taxi driver Wu Ping, suspected of leaving a pregnant woman on the street to give birth, said a witness can prove his innocence on September 3. [Chongqing Evening Nerws]
Wang's husband Huang Wencheng wanted to take another taxi, but was refused by 12 taxi drivers.

The baby's father Huang Youcheng identifies the taxi driver who refused to carry them by video on September 3. [Chongqing Evening News]
According to a Chinese superstition, spilling blood in the car is equal to a year of bad luck.. Huang said the temperature that day was 41 degrees Celsius (105.8 F). He said he offered to pay the driver extra to take them to the hospital but the driver refused.

People in the crowd helped comfort Wang, and a woman surnamed Chen from Hunan Province delivered the baby.

Mother and baby are safe and healthy in hospital on September 2. [Chongqing Evening News]
One kind-hearted passerby called 120 (emergency services) for the couple, but it took the ambulance two hours to arrive, even though Wang was about 200 meters from the hospital.

The Chongqing Municipal Transportation Administration tracked the license plate number of the taxi that Huang gave them and found Wu Ping, who denies the accusations. The case is still under investigation.

Another pregnant woman surnamed Jiang in Chongqing said all taxi drivers she has met while she has been pregnant are very kind and helpful and she believes that most taxi drivers are good, there are always exceptions.

A taxi driver surnamed He said a taxi driver that would leave a pregnant woman to give birth on the street gives a bad name to all taxi drivers and should have his taxi license revoked.


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