
Top News

The pioneer
China's economic miracle of the past 30 years has proven true the late leader Deng Xiaoping's famous saying that the opening up would be like "crossing the river by feeling the stones".

Tata hopes PM's trip can strengthen business ties

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Singh's visit will help cut 'trust deficit'



A dreamer
It was 1992. An old man in a private ward in Beijing's China-Japan Friendship Hospital knew he was dying. Jiang Yiwei was diagnosed with lung cancer the previous year, when the doctors told him it would spread and render him bed-ridden.

Jiang Yiwei's long march

Fruits of fortune



Now, the numbers
After returning from the negotiating table in Bali at the end of last year, China along with developing countries now face an unprecedented challenge in efforts to reduce climate change.

The heat's on

A small beginning



Power up
Two ultra-high voltage (UHV) power grids are under construction by the country's largest electricity transmission company, State Grid Corp of China, the latest round of expansion in that power industry that will alone require an investment of 20 billion yuan.

Turning the tide

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Educated choice
Singapore is one of the smallest countries in Asia, but the 700-sq-km island nation has stature far beyond its size. It is one of the world's busiest ports and is now developing into another type of hub - for education, with the goal of becoming the first choice for Chinese students studying overseas.




Empire building
With his glasses and boyish smile, Wang Changtian can appear unassuming and modest. But looks can be deceptive. Behind Wang's affable appearance hides bold ambitions.

Let's talk

Chinese companies at a glance


Charity China

Green Lens
He is a billionaire with the largest bakery chain in China, a well-known photographer who has held dozens of photo exhibitions at home and abroad and several of his collections have been published.

Children's painting competition

Extended family

Christmas gift

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IPR Special

To the letter
Automaker DaimlerChrysler AG has collided with a China-based health products company, Vitop Bioenergy Co Ltd, as both companies claim a similar trademark.

Protecting traditions

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Power Port
The recent operational kick-off of the Tianjin Dongjiang Bonded Harbor Area, China's largest free trade harbor, has boosted the city's drive to become North China's shipping center.

Hot property

Cleaning up

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World News

Smaller shares
The steepest year-end slump in global stocks since 2000 left equities with the cheapest valuations in more than 30 years as inflation accelerated and the United States economy showed signs of slowing.

Net return

Crops up


Up Close

Gold finger
Zhou Shengjun prefers the title of teacher to that of boss. Whether professor or employer, passion for his work is evident - perhaps the reason he looks much younger than his 60 years.

His master's choice