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(中国日报网) Updated: 2015-08-07 15:08 Comments

当地时间11月29日晚7时,由中国日报社主办的吉利博瑞杯“美丽中国”手机摄影大赛在英国伦敦地标建筑碎片大厦(The Shard)举行颁奖典礼。

The awards ceremony of Geely Cup 2015 Amazing China Mobile Phone Photo Contest was held at Shangri-La Hotel in London on Sunday.


Yan Hongtao's photo, Ancient Town in Water Ink, won the gold award and the first prize in the nature section. Wang Xiaofeng, who took the picture of Buddhist Heaven on Earth, was given the silver award and the first prize in the architecture section. All winners got one-year usage of a Geely car, a 10-day trip for two persons in China and plane tickets.

大赛国际荣誉摄影师、英国上议院议员、内政部国务大臣贝茨勋爵(Lord Michael Walton Bates)获颁特别贡献奖。

British Minister of State Lord Bates donated five photos to the contest, which were taken during his charity walk from Beijing to Nanjing in July to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of China's Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. He was given the special merit award.


Speaking at the awards ceremony, Lord Bates said the China-Britain relationship had made substantial achievements in the past year.


Xiang Xiaowei, Minister Counsellor for Culture of the Chinese Embassy, said the contest promoted cultural exchange between China and Britain, and also enhanced people-to-people exchange.


Organized by China Daily and curated by Chinalink London, the photo competition received more than 8,000 entries from Chinese and foreign participants. The contest was categorized into six sections: nature, humanity, family, food, architecture and transport. A total of 54 photos won rewards.


The contest was launched in Beijing in August as part of the Year of China-Britain Cultural Exchange.



大赛评委阵容强大,中国日报社总编辑助理、中国摄影家协会副主席王文澜出任大赛评委会主席,英国皇家摄影协会CEO Michael Pritchard、中国财经作家吴晓波、邦瀚斯拍卖行亚洲与英国主席Colin Sheaf、浙江吉利控股集团有限公司公关总监杨学良出任评委。评委们对参赛与获奖作品都给予了高度评价。


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