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Driving from Beijing to Mount Wutai

Updated : 2014-10-21

Q: How long does it take by car?

A: It’s a distance of 350 kilometers and takes about 3 and a half hours.

Q: How to go:

A: Take the Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway to Zhuozhou, then take the Zhuozhou-Langfang Expressway to Zhangjiakou, then the Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway and Beijing-Kunming Expressway to Manchengand and Shunping, then transfer to the Baoding-Fuping Expressway then the Xinzhou-Fuping Expressway to the town of Taihuai.

The distance from Beijing to Hebei on the Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway is 36 km, and takes less than half an hour, with a toll of 10 yuan. From the Hebei line to Zhuozhou is 10 kilometers, or about 10 minutes. From Zhuozhou via the Langfang-Zhuozhou Expressway and Zhangjiakou-Shijiazhuang Expressway to the Beijing-Kunming Expressway is 14 km, or about 20 min. From the Beijing-Kunming Expressway to the overpass of Taiyuan and Shijiazhuang is 34 km, about 20 min. The Mancheng overpass is about 42 km, and 20 minutes. From Mancheng to Shunping along the Baoding-Fuping Expressway is 30 km, or 15 minute s. From Shunping to the Fuping Expressway is 79 km, or about 40 min. From Fuping to Shizui expressway is 50 km, 30 min. Total time on expressways is just over 3 hours. From Shizui to the south gate of Wutai is 20 km, or 15 min. Tickets at the south gate are 223 yuan during the busy season and 195 yuan during the slack season.


Petrol: 280 yuan for 35 liters of gas to cover 350 km.

Expressway tolls: 120 yuan

Total for transportation is 400 yuanl, for just under 3 and a half hours.

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