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Informationization spurs Huaqiao’s urban construction

Informationization has already become a significant benchmark for the transformation of China’s economic development pattern. In recent years, the development of a "digital city" has expanded people's horizons and provided a new way to think about urban planning, construction and administration. With the growth of new technologies, such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing and 3G communication, building an "intelligent city" has become the new goal in urban construction.

The planning and construction bureau of Huaqiao Economic Development Zone is making a comprehensive plan for informationization in Huaqiao. The bureau will further promote the construction of information sources and enhance information sharing to provide better services for the construction of "Intelligent Huaqiao".

During the first stage of construction, the planning and construction bureau already completed the basic geographic information database of Huaqiao and realized the application of the Urban Planning Management Information System, Three-Dimensional Fictitious Reality System and Integrated Underground Pipeline System. Second-stage construction will further enrich the basic geographic information database and launch a set of new systems such as the Real Estate Management Information System, Urban Gardening Information Management System and Integrated Geological Management Information System.

Edited by Lin Hong, Lei Jiawen and Michael Thai

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