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Donghai Island, Mazhang to be served by new cross-sea bridge

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2017-10-19

Construction on the Donghai Island Grand Bridge, as part of the Yulin-Zhanjiang Highway project, got underway in Zhanjiang on Oct 17.

Stretching 4.8 kilometers, the bridge is located at the tail of the Yulin-Zhanjiang Highway and has a four-lane dual carriageway with a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour. It is the longest cross-sea bridge in the section and requires heavy work load.

Construction on the Donghai Island Grand Bridge, which is expected to be finished by December 2019, is of great importance to the opening of the Yulin-Zhanjiang Highway in 2020, said a head of the project.

Upon completion, the bridge will not only serve as an important transportation hub linking Danghai Island with Mazhang district, but also bring sound social and economic returns to the two areas.

With a total length of 196 kilometers, the Yulin-Zhanjiang Highway will further ramp up economic cooperation between Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, while completing the highway network of the latter.

Donghai Island, Mazhang to be served by new cross-sea bridge

Construction on the Donghai Island Grand Bridge gets underway in Zhanjiang on Oct 17. [Photo by Liu Jicheng/Zhanjiang Daily]
