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Zhanjiang recognizes culture heritage for protection

Updated: 2017-04-19

Zhanjiang Culture Broadcasting News and Publishing Agency published the city's sixth list of culture heritage practices on April 10, covering literature, folk art and traditional crafts.

Each district and county-level city recommended their local traditions and customs to be included for strict evaluation for the experts compiling the list.

Zhanjiang recognizes culture heritage for protection

Two craftsmen in Zhanjiang’s Suixi county make lanterns in the shape of various fish. This skill is included in the city’s newly published intangible culture heritage list. [Photo by Chen Xiumei/yinsha.com]

Entries include 500-year-old percussion music from Anpu town which is performed using drums, gongs and symbols. Fish-shaped lanterns in Suixi county also earned a place for its exquisite craftsmanship and implied wishes for peace and prosperity.

The list also includes three complements to existing items such as Potou district's puppet show.

The selection activity serves to raise awareness of valuable heritage and provide recognition to city's diverse culture.
