Jilin province has new patriotism education base

Updated: 2017-12-05

The Liaoyuan Senior POW Camp Site Exhibition Center in Jilin province was named as a new patriotism education base by the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the CPC on Dec 4.

The Center was founded in the 1930s and 34 prisoners-of-war from the US, the UK and Holland were imprisoned here from December 1944 to August 1945 by Japanese troops.

Jilin province has new patriotism education base

Liaoyuan Senior POW Camp Site Exhibition Center in Jilin province was named as a new patriotism education base on Dec 4. [Photo provided to ejilin.gov.cn]

More than 200 relics are displayed in the Center and several academic exchanges on history and wars have been held there.

In WWII( World War Two) the are awitnessed locals and people from all around the world fightbravely to protect their homes and cause.

The Center not only shows the imprisoning life these soldiers lived in the camp but also reflects people's efforts to restore peace.

Jilin province has new patriotism education base

Some everyday items used by Allies of WWII are displayed at the Center. [Photo provided to ejilin.gov.cn]

Wang Yonggang, head of the Center, said staff members at the Center will keep recovering scenes of the original camp and try to learn more about the dailylife in the prison.

Luan Guodong, a member of the standing committee of Jilin provincial committee, said the Center also receive supports from many overseas Chinese who donate valuable relics that help more people learn about the area's history.

