Don't be too quick to give your man a red card
By Vivien Wang (
Updated: 2006-06-28 09:54

This year's World Cup features more bad acting than incredible ball handling.

The crazy match between Holland and Portugal on Monday couldn't prove this point any better. In a game that included four red cards, 16 yellow cards and lots of dramatics in front of the referees, every player told at least one lie to justify their innocence. They would shrug their shoulders and widely open their eyes, and some soccer stars would even wrap their arms around their foot - which is their way of saying, "Look what the other team did." You trust them until the camera accurately displays what actually happened. God, these men can be such great liars.

For all of you who are dating a member of this sex, you have probably been in a similar situation - off the field of course.

That's right. Your man might be a cute boy, but he has probably told a small lie or two. But there's no need to feel upset. White lies don't make bleak results in relationships. Your man is worthy of your forgiveness because he probably has abundant reasons to tell a lie - probably more than the World Cup soccer players. Remember the last time you had a quarrel with him because he admitted, "You look fat in that white dress?" After a quarrel like that, he'd probably learn to choose his words more carefully.

Although honesty is not always the best policy in a relationship, cheatings never brings good results. Women should always try to find out the truth; they just shouldn't be impulsive. If you don't think he has spent three hours in the gym, don't make a fuss by repeating your oubt out loud. Maybe he just went to drink some beer with his colleagues, and your suspicion can ruin the trust in the relationship if he really did nothing wrong. But if you already have some other evidence, maybe it's time for you two to have a conversation.

Most men's lies are innocuous. Women should tolerate them with a shinning smile or give them some sweet punishment. If your man's lie is small, there is no need to give him a red card.


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