Odds and Ends

Shoeless rugby fan wins £250k with kick

Updated: 2009-11-19 08:30

Shoeless rugby fan wins £250k with kick

A rugby fan has won £250,000 by kicking a ball on to the crossbar at a distance of 30 metres.

JobCentre employee Stuart Tinner, who took off his shoes to do the kick, was picked from the Wembley crowd at a match between Saracens and South Africa after entering the draw by text.

He told Sky Sports: "I guess I just kicked it as hard as I could. I don't believe it happened."

Of his decision to go shoeless, he added: "If you're going to feel the ball then you can't have shoes on. You've got to really get a feel for the ball."

The 24-year-old plays for the Welwyn RFC fifth team and admitted: "I play hooker so I'm not really a kicker."

Tinner, who currently lives with his parents, said that he will buy a flat and a car with the money.