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A River Runs Through It《大河恋》精讲之二
[ 2009-02-11 17:58 ]

影评:Watching A River Runs Through It is a little like leafing through an old photograph album ...




Paul Maclean: l've got a great idea. I know how we can go down in history.

Boy #1: How's that?

Paul Maclean: We borrow old man Seifert's rowboat and we shoot the chutes.

Boy #2: You can't shoot the Chutes, Pauley.

Paul Maclean: You can try.

Boy #1: You can die trying.

Paul Maclean: They'd bury you with full honors. Tell them, Norm.

Norman Maclean: Well, we would be the kings of Missoula(密苏拉市,位于美国蒙大那州。以美丽的自然风光和国立公园而闻名。).

Paul Maclean: Yeah, kings! And famous! And all of you would get your photographs in the paper. I'm doing it. I am.

Boy #2: No.

Chub: Let's do it.

Paul Maclean: Come on.

Boy #1: I'm with you.

Boys: Let's go.

Boys: What? All right. Yeah! Whoo! Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...

Paul Maclean: Let's go!

Chub: I'll get the oars.

Boys: Whose idea was this, anyway? Where we going, Pauly?

Paul Maclean: This way.

Boy #1: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Paul Maclean: OK, we'll put it upstream. OK. Flip it! OK, hop in. Come on! We can all fit.

Boy #1: I don't think so.

Boy #2: No, I uh...

Paul Maclean: Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! All right. Just me, Norm and Chub.

Chub: Jeez, Pauley...

Paul Maclean: OK. Then l guess it's just the Macleans.


1. go down in history: 被载入史册。Paul说:“我有个好主意,能让我们被载入史册。” 这短语可以用在褒义或贬义的语境中,表示“名垂青史”或“遗臭万年”。来看例句:

They will go down in history for their bravery deeds. 他们的英雄事迹将永垂不朽。

Adolph Hitler will go down in history as one of the most hated leaders of all time. 阿道夫·希特勒永远是从古至今最令人憎恨的领导者之一。

2. full honors:即full military honors(军葬)。buried with full military honors 就是“举行军葬”。例如:

This general was buried with full military honors. 这位将军是以最隆重的军礼下葬的。

3. I'm doing it.:这是典型的用现在进行时表将来的用法。当句子涉及确切的计划、明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动时,现在进行时可用于表示将来。Paul说:“我要去。”语气中有强烈的意愿。又例如:

I'm going. 我就要走了。

We're leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 我们明天就去北京。

4. down the stream:顺流而下。例如:He was carried down the stream. 他被水卷到下游去了。

这短语还可以引申为“适应潮流”。例如:He always swims down the stream. 他总是能顺应潮流.

也可以形容“如同流水般容易”:It's as easy as flowing down the stream.

5. hop in: (跳)上车吧,进来吧。这是口语化的表达。

Hop in!I'll give you a lift to the station. 上车吧,我开车送你去车站.

6. fit:词意是“合适”,但"We can all fit."这句台词不能翻译成“我们都合适。”结合上下文,这里说的是“我们都能坐得下。” 所以,fit还可以表示“坐得下,挤得下,装得下”等意思。来看类似用法:

Will we all fit into the car? 我们都上这辆车坐得下吗?

Do you think we can all fit into the one room? 你认为我们都能挤在一个房间里吗?

影评:Watching A River Runs Through It is a little like leafing through an old photograph album ...


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