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50 First Dates 《初恋50次》精讲之一
[ 2009-01-12 20:30 ]






Old Hawaiian Man: Are you staring at me or her? Because you're starting to freak me out.

Henry Roth: Settle down and eat your pancakes. I think she's a local girl. I wanted to go up to her. But I was kind of off my game. But, man, was she cute, though.

Sea Lion Trainer: I thought you liked your bitches from out of state.

Henry Roth: Yeah, that's usually my policy. Make sure I don't get tied down. Freeze that image right there. There's the little fella. Congratulations, Mommy.

Sea Lion Trainer: Sounds to me like someone is afraid of commitment. Let me guess. Your high school sweetheart got drunk at party then cheated on you with whole wrestling team.

Henry Roth: Close. Actually, it was my college girlfriend Tracy. And it wasn't a wrestling team. It was her academic advisor.

Sea Lion Trainer: oh, she liked the older man.

Henry Roth: Older women. About 50 years older.

Sea Lion Trainer: I hope you shot the stupid tramp.

Henry Roth: What's with the "tramp" and the "bitches" talk? Are you drunk or something?

Sea Lion Trainer: I apologize for nasty talk. I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy. Shut up, because here comes one-time-only opportunity. What I will do now is go into your office and become naked. Next move is up to you. I may not be as limber as I once was, but I make up for it with enthusiasm and willingness to experiment.

Henry Roth: I don't know if you realize I'm not into guys.

Nick: Hey, Mr. Peanut Butter Cups.

Henry Roth: Hey, Mr. Could-kill-Me-in-one-Punch. How you doing?

Nick: You're back.

Henry Roth: Yeah. Couldn't get enough of that Spam(斯帕姆午餐肉). Fry some up and throw some eggs on top of it for me.

Nick: Yeah.

Henry Roth: All right, Mahalo(夏威夷语“再见”的意思).

Nick: Hi, Lucy.

Lucy Whitmore: Hi, Nick.

Henry Roth: You know, why don't you try this? It's kind of a hinge.

Lucy Whitmore: Now, why didn't I think of that?

Henry Roth: Well, you're too close to the project. Don't be hard on yourself.

Lucy Whitmore: You are right. Sometimes you need an outsider's perspective.

Henry Roth: Fresh eye never hurts.



1.freak sb. out: 原本指的是(因服用麻醉物或毒品而导致)精神异常,产生幻觉。口语中多用来表达“使某人变的极度兴奋或不安”。台词中那个夏威夷老男人觉得Henry Roth的眼神不对劲:“你在看我还是她?你快把我吓坏了。” 来看例句:

We will freak out if you do not appear yet. 如果你再不来,我们都快发疯了。

I'm pretty sure mom would freak out if she knows it. 但我确定我妈妈知道了肯定会很紧张。

This ordinary quiet guy just freak out and shoot ten people. 这个平时温和的家伙简直发疯了,开枪打死了十个人。

2.be off one's game: 状态不佳。剧中Henry Roth想去结识那个可爱的女孩,却觉得自己不在状态。来看例句:

Don't talk; it puts him off his game. 别讲话,不然,他无法专心比赛。

Bill has been off his game all summer. Bill整个夏天状态不佳。

3.get tied down: 被束缚,被缠住。为什么Henry Roth从来只钓外地女孩?因为这个花花公子不想承担责任,不愿被束缚,而摆脱本地女孩相对麻烦多了。


Jake does not want to be tied down by a family. 杰克不想被家庭所束缚。

I'm tied down here all day by the work. 我整天都给工作拴在这里了。

We shouldn't be tied down by the traditions of the past. 我们不应受过去传统的束缚。

4.one time only: 千载难逢的,过时不候的。once in a blue moon是更形象的表达。来看这两个短语的用法:

It's a one-time-only opportunity to dine with her. 能和她吃顿饭,真是千载难逢啊。

My girlfriend helped me wash dishes this evening;It's once in a blue moon. 今晚我的女友帮我洗了碗,真是太阳从西边出来了。

This draught occurs once in a blue moon. 这场旱灾是百年不遇的。

5.not into: 不在行,不喜欢。Henry Roth拒绝了海狮训练员,说他自己“对男人不感兴趣”。来看例句:

I am not into Chinese food. 我对中国食物并不是很在行。

I hate hiking and I'm not into classical music. 我不喜欢徒步旅行,对古典音乐也不感兴趣。

6.Fresh eye never hurts:旁观者清。有两句谚语表达的是同一个意思:

The outsider sees the most of the game.

Lookers-on see more than players.




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