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One flew over the cuckoo's nest《飞越疯人院》精讲之六
[ 2008-12-15 17:45 ]

思想火花  这是一部反英雄的电影。中心人物麦克默菲与其说是英雄不如说是一个外向的、喜欢社交、热爱生命,同时又具有民主精神的人。他身上的人性恶点使得这个人物真实可信(他确实是犯了法制强奸罪入狱的,又因为想逃避监狱中的苦工而装精神病而被送到了精神病院),这也使得这部电影不是对单纯的对与错、压制与反抗的叙述。

考考你 小试牛刀 




Harding: And the bets are placed. There's one for Tabes, and Chessy, and Martini, and the dealer. And a four to Tabes, and a six, and a nine, and a ten to the dealer.

Martini: A nine?

Harding: What do you say, Tabes? A dime a piece. No? You stick.

Martini: He sticks.

Harding: He sticks with a four.

Cheswick: Chessy's going for the ride.

Harding: What does that mean?

Martini: He wants a hit.

Harding: Let’s see him, and a big queen. I think you're busted.

Cheswick: Buggered, not busted.

Harding: Turn them over.

Cheswick: Buggered.

Harding: And weep.

Martini: Hit me.

Harding: I think you're over. I know you're over.

Martini: Hovno.

Harding: That's a three. Hovno.

Ratched: Mr. Sefelt? Did everything go well? That's very nice. Now you feel better, don't you?

Sefelt: Yes, ma'am.

Harding: Deuce to the dealer. Split them. Higher.

Sefelt: McMurphy is out. McMurphy has escaped. They were taking him through the tunnel. He beat up two of the attendants and escaped.

Harding: McMurphy's upstairs.

Sefelt: Oh, no, no, no!

Harding: Jim, I'm telling you, McMurphy is upstairs and he'sas meek as a lamb.

Cheswick: Really? I mean, how do you know?

Harding: Jack Dunphy told me.

Taber: Jack Dunphy's full of shit!

Sefelt: Right.


1. And the bets are placed. “下(赌)注了。”Bet 做名词除了表示“赌,打赌”,还可以表示“赌注”。(了解更多赌博英语,请欣赏《皇家赌场》精讲系列。)

2. You stick.

Stick 这里的意思是“坚持”,既 keep his cards and doesn’t change。我们来看个例子:He sticks to his own opinion. 他固执己见。

3. Chessy's going for the ride. He wants a hit.

第二句解释了第一句的意思,ride 和hit 这里的意思都是“发牌”。

4. I think you're over. 这句话的意思是“I think you fail.”

5. deuce 这里指(骰子或纸牌的)“两点”。

6. as meek as a lamb

绵羊在人类的观念中是非常温顺的动物,所以被用来形容“非常温顺”的人或物,比如:The little girl is as meek as a lamb. 那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺。

7. full of shit

这个片语的意思是“talking nonsense or rubbish废话,胡扯”,也写作full of bull,full of crap。 比如:She doesn't know what she's talking about; she's full of crap. 她不知道自己在讲什么,她在胡说八道。


思想火花  这是一部反英雄的电影。中心人物麦克默菲与其说是英雄不如说是一个外向的、喜欢社交、热爱生命,同时又具有民主精神的人。他身上的人性恶点使得这个人物真实可信(他确实是犯了法制强奸罪入狱的,又因为想逃避监狱中的苦工而装精神病而被送到了精神病院),这也使得这部电影不是对单纯的对与错、压制与反抗的叙述。


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