Hangzhou 杭州
Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Division of work 工作分工
Guide the Municipal Committee in its overall work

Resume of Huang Kunming
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Huang Kunming
People’s Government of Hangzhou Municipality

Division of work 工作分工
Leading comprehensive governmental work of Hangzhou

Resume of Shao Zhanwei
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Shao Zhanwei
About Hangzhou 杭州简介
GDP: RMB 478.1 billion
Area: 16,596sq km
Population: 7,966,800
Administrative division: 8 sub-municipal districts,3 county-level cities and 2 counties

As the provincial seat, Hangzhou is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of Zhejiang province and one of the core cities in the Yangtze River Delta area. Its industry is based on machinery, electronics, chemical-making, light industry and textile as the industrial pillars, with precision grinding machine, oxygen-making equipment products especially well-known. In 2008, Hangzhou's GDP reached RMB 478.1 billion, ranking the 2nd among the provincial seats of China and ascended to be the Top 10 Cities in Comprehensive Economic Strength in China. Its permanent-resident population is 7.966 million with a per capita GDP of RMB 60,826.


杭州市是浙江省省会,全省政治、经济、文化和交通中心,长江三角洲中心城市之一。工业以机械、电子、化工、轻工、纺织为产业支柱,精密磨床、制氧设备等机械产品很有名。2008年全市生产总值(GDP)达到4781亿元,居全国省会城市第二位,经济综合实力跻身全国大中城市前十位。常住人口796.6万,全市人均GDP 60826元。


Vice Mayor
Yang Xubiao

Division of work 工作分工

Responsible for the Municipal Government day-to-day work. Assisting development and reform, finance, audit and framework work. Responsible for public security, justice, supervision, personnel affairs, tax, State-owned assets administration, statistics, price, finance, information, legislative affairs and people's armed forces. In charge of the general office of Hangzhou Municipal Government , Municipal Development and Reform Committee, State-owned Assets Administration Committee, Local Taxation Bureau, Police Station, Justice Bureau, Supervision Bureau, Bureau Of Personnel , Audit Bureau, Statistics Bureau, Price Bureau, Information Office, Office Of Legislative Affairs, Municipal Bureau for letters and calls , Municipal Administration Service Centre, Finance Office, Hangzhou Economy Planning Bureau, Hangzhou Bank, Hangzhou United Bank, Hangzhou Industry and Commerce Trust Company and Hangzhou Investment Holding Company. Contact Hangzhou Municipal People's Congress, Hangzhou Municipal committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Hangzhou Court, Hangzhou Procuratorate, Democracy parties, Federation of Industry and Commerce, Municipal State Taxation Bureau, Bureau of National Security and financial organs in Hangzhou.


Vice Mayor
Shen Jian

Division of work 工作分工

Responsible for the work in industry, science and technology, traffic, quality and technology supervision, medicine inspection and supervision, electric power, post, telecommunication and production safety. In charge of the city's Economic Commission (Bureau of Township Business), Bureau of Science and Technology, Traffic Bureau, Bureau of Quality and Technical supervision, Bureau of Medicine Quality supervision, Industrial Assets Management Company of the City, industrial enterprises authorized with the assets management right and the Traffic Assets Management Company of the City. Link up with the Electric Power Bureau, Bureau of Postal Service, Hangzhou Telecommunication Company, Telecommunication Industrial Company, China Mobile, China Unicom, Federation of Trade Unions of the City and the Science Commission.


Vice Mayor
He Guanxin

Division of work 工作分工

Responsible for urban management, public security, judicial, civil, Contact Wuhan garrison, Han forces (including Armed Police Force), city courts and procuratorate, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federation, Federation of the Disabled. Contact the Center City District.


Vice Mayor
Tong Guili

Division of work 工作分工

Responsible for the foreign-oriented economy, foreign trade, foreign investment, foreign affairs, Overseas Chinese affairs, Taiwan Affairs, port affairs, economic cooperation, Hangzhou Economic Development Zone and High-tech Industrial Zone. In charge of the city's Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Office of Foreign Affairs.


Vice Mayor
Zhang Jianting

Division of work 工作分工

Responsible for culture, health, sports and tourism, contact Literature and Arts Association, Yangtze Daily Newspaper Group.


Vice Mayor
Chen Xiaoping

Division of work 工作分工

Responsible for the work in the aspects of education, culture, health, family planning, radio and TV, sports and news publishing, etc. In charge of the city's Education Bureau, Health Bureau, Family Planning Commission, Sports Bureau, Culture and Press and Publication Bureau , Patriotic Health Campaign Committee Of Hangzhou.


The Municipal Departments and Bureaus