2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily独家

世界杯百大传奇球星之: 迭戈·马拉多纳


2014-06-06 08:53:24




世界杯百大传奇球星之: 迭戈·马拉多纳

Diego Maradona (Argentina)

World Cups

1982, 1986, 1990, 1994

Appearances 21

Goals 8

Aggressive, outrageously skilful and streetwise, Diego Armando Maradona Franco was one of the world’s great playmakers, the subject of world record transfer fees that took him to Barcelona and Napoli, and the man who inspired Argentina to claim the 1986 World Cup in Mexico. He made his debut at club level at 15, winning a first senior cap a year later only to be omitted, at 17, from his country’s home World Cup in 1978 because César Luis Menotti feared he was too young to cope with the pressure. He featured in Spain in 1982 and, having been on the end of some brutal tackles from Claudio Gentile against Italy, was sent off for a foul on Brazil’s Batista as the team exited at the second group stage.

In Mexico his devious “Hand of God” handball, palming a finish over Peter Shilton, went unnoticed though the jaw-dropping 60-yard dribble past five panicked England outfield players and clipped finish moments later sealed his reputation as a great. Fifa voted that the competition’s best ever goal. The captain scored twice in the semi-final, got an assist for Jorge Burruchaga’s decisive goal in the final and was voted Golden Ball winner for his five goals and five assists. His displays at Italia 90 were hampered by injury, but he did set up the winner against Brazil in the second round, and was voted the tournament’s third best player as Argentina succumbed in the final. Drug problems followed, with a suspension for using cocaine in March 1991, and he was sent home from the 1994 finals after testing positive for ephedrine.







迭戈·阿曼多·马拉多纳·弗朗哥( Diego Armando Maradona Franco)是足球界最伟大的进攻球员之一。成长于街头的马拉多纳在场上侵略性十足,拥有超乎寻常的天赋。转会巴塞罗那和那不勒斯俱乐部时曾创下足球运动员的转会费记录。1986年墨西哥世界杯,马拉多纳带领阿根廷队夺取冠军。而早在15时,他就完成了俱乐部比赛首秀,一年后便得到了国家队的召唤。只不过,由于主教练塞萨尔·路易斯·梅诺蒂( César Luis Menotti )担心年仅17岁的马拉多纳无法承受大赛的重压,使得他与1978年世界杯失之交臂。四年后的西班牙,马拉多纳首次为国出征世界杯。在对意大利的比赛中,他遭到对方克劳迪奥·詹蒂莱(Claudio Gentile)的粗野侵犯,而在与巴西队的第二阶段小组赛中,他由于对对方球员巴蒂斯塔(Batista)犯规被罚下场。

在墨西哥世界杯上,马拉多纳上演了著名的“上帝之手”——他用手将球撞入由彼德·希尔顿(Peter Shilton)把守的英格兰队球门——而这一犯规竟然未被主裁判察觉。在同一场比赛中,他又上演了惊人的过五关斩六将:在一次进攻中,他狂奔六十码,连过五名英格兰队员,最后将球打进。凭此球他一举奠定“球王”地位,国际足联也将此球评选为世界杯历史最佳进球。身为阿根廷队长的马拉多纳在随后的半决赛梅开二度力保球队进入决赛,并在决赛中助攻豪尔赫·布鲁查加(Jorge Burruchaga)攻入制胜球,加冕世界杯冠军。凭借五个进球和五次助攻,马拉多纳荣膺“金球奖”。1990年意大利世界杯上,马拉多纳受到伤病的困扰,但他仍然在第二循环迎战巴西队的比赛中助攻队友打入制胜球。阿根廷最终折戟决赛,马拉多纳名列那届比赛最佳球员评选的第三名。1991年3月,马拉多纳因吸食可卡因被禁赛。而在1994年世界杯决赛圈,他又因为在药检中被查出麻黄碱阳性,被逐出比赛。




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