A committed Christian in Durham is spreading the word of God, tweet by tweet, the Daily Mirror of London reported. Chris Juby, 30, is putting every chapter of the Bible on Twitter in 140 characters or fewer - the maximum allowed for a single entry. Chris began with the first chapter of Genesis last week and intends to work his way daily through all 1,189. He estimates the last entry will be written on November 8, 2013.
据英国《每日镜报》报道,英国达勒姆一位虔诚的基督徒正通过微博传播圣道。现年30岁的克里斯·茱比正在把《圣经》每一章的内容压缩到140字符以内,即一条Twitter允许发布字符的上限。克里斯上周刚刚发布了Twitter版《圣经》第一章:《创世纪》,并计划每天从事这项工程,直到把新旧约1189章全部转成Twitter版本。他预计自己将于2013年11月8日大功告成。 |