WHO: China's H1N1 vaccine safe, effective
2009-Oct-27 14:48:29

The WHO representative in China, Michael' Leary, said yesterday he'd like to get the A/H1N1 flu vaccine made by China as it had proven to be safe and effective.

Starting in late September, China has so far vaccinated more than 300,000 people on the mainland against the A/H1N1 pandemic flu and is now gearing up the free vaccination program to be available nationwide.

"When it's available to me, I would not hesitate to get the vaccine developed and produced by China," O' Leary told China Daily today.

"The H1N1 vaccine is one of the safest vaccines being used," he said. "Serious adverse reactions would be extremely rare if at all and to date, from the data available, the vaccine is safe and effective."

However, he also pointed out that nothing is 100 percent safe, including the vaccine, and there is potential of bad side effects from the jab.

"Notably, nearly all of the adverse reactions from the shot detected so far were mild and temporary," he added.

Considering the risk of the vaccine against that of the diseases, the WHO highly recommends the vaccination.

As of Monday evening, China had reported 35,664 A/H1N1 cases, with three deaths.

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