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请看报道中的这样一句话:"It has been processing and resulted in a much easier way than I expected," said Zhang, who had to enter the 240,000 US dollars event with awildcardafter playing less than enough games in this season's professional tour.

句中的wildcard照字面来解释,就是“野外的一张卡”,不过,这样来解释让人太费解。其实,wildcard 是体育比赛中的一个术语,叫做“外卡”,指的是比赛中给予不具参赛资格选手的特殊参赛权。

例如:The wild-card player surprised everyone by winning the championship。(那位外卡选手跌破众人的眼镜,赢得了冠军。)


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