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美国游泳名将菲尔普斯在28日世锦赛男子100米自由泳决赛中只游出第七名的成绩后表示,世锦赛的成败都将为他备战2008年奥运会积累经验。虽然100米自由泳世界纪录保持者霍根班德缺席世锦赛,不过男子100米自由泳决赛的争夺依然十分激烈,金牌得主、意大利人马尼尼甚至在比赛中创造出仅次于霍根班德的世界第二快成绩。外电报道如下:American wunderkind Michael Phelps emerged bruised but unbowed from his seventh-place finish in the 100m freestyle final at the World Swimming Championships, calling it another step on the road to Beijing.

Wunderkind的意思是“神童,少年得志者,有巨大成就的青年人”。它是一个德语词汇,由Wunder(wonder)和Kind(child)组合而成。既可以指a child prodigy(天才、神童),也可以指one who succeeds in a competitive or highly difficult field or profession at an early age(在少年时就在竞赛、非常困难的领域或者专业方面取得成功的人)


The salary of a software wunderkind usually ranges from $50,000 to $100,000 a year, often with stock options that double or triple that amount. 一个软件天才一年的薪水通常约为5万到10万美元,他们往往还会获得两倍或三倍于这个数目的股票期权。

The wunderkind Kobe Bryant added 20 points, including a spectacular reverse dunk in the final minute, on an assist from O'Neal, that left the few remaining fans in awe. 天才少年科比·布莱恩特为球队获得了20分,其中包括最后一分钟,在奥尼尔的助攻下,布莱恩特完成了一个漂亮的倒灌篮,让为数不多的坚持到最后的观众惊讶不已。


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