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由奥斯卡最佳导演西德尼·波拉克执导,影后妮可·基德曼、影帝西恩·潘联袂主演的文艺惊悚片《翻译风波》不负众望,以2200多万美元的成绩勇夺本周北美票房冠军,外电报道如下:Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn's "The Interpreter" translated into solid box-office as the United Nations thriller debuted with $22.8 million to top the weekend for Hollywood.

The weekend's other main debut, Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet's romantic comedy "A Lot Like Love," had a so-so opening of $7.7 million, coming in at number four, according to studio estimates Sunday.

Expanding nationwide after two weeks in limited release, Stephen Chow's action comedy "Kung Fu Hustle" was number five with $7.3 million, lifting its total domestic gross to just over $8 million.




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