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布什连任总统对华尔街也许是个好消息,大选结果揭晓当天,华尔街股市大幅上扬,道琼斯工业平均指数出现了三位数的增加,纳斯达克指数4个月来首次以超过2000点收盘。外电报道如下:The US stock market has closed higher in response to George W Bush's victory in the presidential elections. The benchmark Dow Jones share index closed more than 1% higher at 10,137, while the Nasdaq rose 0.9% to 2,004.

Many investors believe that Mr Bush's policies are more business-friendly than those of his Democrat challenger, John Kerry.

The higher share prices also reflect relief that a clear winner has emerged from what proved to be a tight poll.

Benchmark表示“基准点,可依照做出衡量和判断的标准”,benchmark Dow Jones在这指Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (道琼斯工业指数)。

Benchmarking表示“标竿管理”,也叫作“标的比较系统”,是指把本单位的生产率、质量、服务、以及生产过程的效益同国际尖端的进行连续、系统的比较,并取长创新系统管理方式。 Benchmarking的目的不仅仅是赶上别人,而是为了在比较学习的基础上超过对方,成为最优秀者。


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