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Updated: 2003-07-08 01:00

Study challenges video-gamer stereotype

大学生热衷电脑游戏 玩家绝非"大虾"形象

Study challenges video-gamer stereotypeRoughly two-thirds of college students play video games, but the image of a nerdy guy who spends all day in a dimly lit room blowing up computer-generated bad guys is off base, according to a new study.

College gamers are not necessarily male - or anti-social hermits. And while about a third of those surveyed admitted playing computer games during class, the games generally don't conflict with their studies, says the researcher who conducted the survey for the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

"It's not taking the place of studying; nor is it taking away from other activities," says researcher Steve Jones, chairman of communications department at the University of Illinois at Chicago. "What they seem to have done is incorporated gaming into a very multitask-oriented lifestyle."

In addition to the survey data, Jones drew his conclusion from observations he and fellow researchers made while watching students in college computer labs - many of them writing papers, then taking short breaks to play computer games and send online messages to friends.

Often, he says, groups of students stop to watch the game.

"What we found is that it's a very social activity," Jones says.

The survey was compiled from questionnaires completed last year by 1,162 college students on 27 campuses nationwide. Its results have a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

Among other things, surveyors found that 65 percent of those who responded were regular or occasional game players. Most said they played in their rooms or parents' homes.

Nearly half said gaming keeps them from studying "some" or "a lot" - though their study habits matched closely with those reported by college students in general, Jones said.

Playing games is so common for this age group, it's almost second nature, Jones says. "It's common maybe in a way Monopoly was years ago," he says.

The survey also found that, while gaming has a reputation as a male-dominated pastime, women are avid game players, too. Of those surveyed, 60 percent of women said they played online and computer software-based games, compared with 40 percent of men. About the same number of men and women said they played video games on PlayStation, Xbox and other systems.




研究员史蒂夫·琼斯说:"它(玩游戏)并没有代替学习,也没有妨碍其他活动。他们所做的看起来是把游戏融入一种完全面向多重任务的生活方式。" 琼斯是芝加哥伊利诺伊大学传播学系主席。






调查还发现,虽然游戏消遣号称是以男性为主,女性也是热情的游戏爱好者。被调查的人当中,60%的女性说她们玩在线游戏和电脑软件游戏,而男性只有40%。大约有相同人数的男性和女性玩PlayStation, Xbox和其他系统的电脑游戏。


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