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Updated: 2003-01-17 01:00

Struggling with Bank-Wrecking ATM Thieves (2003/01/17)

日本强盗"挖"银行墙角,重型机器成作案工具 (2003/01/17)

Bank robbers in Japan are increasingly willing to demolishStruggling with Bank-Wrecking ATM Thievesanything in their path to get at wads of cash.

A report issued by the National Police Agency Thursday said there had been a huge increase in the number of thieves using large mechanical diggers to remove automated teller machines (ATMs) from bank lobbies.

After abandoning the diggers, which are often stolen, criminals usually transport the ATMs by truck to quiet areas where they can spring them open and get at the money inside.

The police said there were 57 such incidents in 2002, compared with only nine the previous year.

Robbers succeeded in getting away with the cash in 26 cases, resulting in a total loss of 330 million yen (.77 million) last year.

Police are encouraging anyone in possession of heavy construction machinery to keep it under tight security to help prevent such crimes.




Struggling with Bank-Wrecking ATM Thieves挖掘机通常是强盗们偷来的,得手以后就可以扔掉。罪犯通常用卡车把柜员机搬到僻静的地方,将之撬开后席卷一空。





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