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China vows to maintain peace and stability in South Asia
( 2003-11-11 23:09) (Xinhua)

China will continue its own efforts to maintain peace and stability in the South Asia region, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao Tuesday.

Liu told a regular press conference that maintaining and improving both Sino-Indian and Sino-Pakistani relationships is conducive to South Asia's peace, stability, security and regional cooperation.

He said India and Pakistan are China's friendly close neighbors. While maintaining a good neighborly cooperative relationship with Pakistan for many years, China kept improving its relationship with India in recent years.

According to Liu, joint naval exercise between China and India are to be held off Shanghai port on Nov. 14. It is the first-ever such cooperation between the two countries in the non-traditional security field.

An Indian navy fleet reportedly arrived Monday afternoon in Shanghai for a five-day visit. It consists of the cruiser "Ranjit", the frigate "Kulish" and the comprehensive supply ship "Jyote".

This visit explored new fronts of Sino-Indian cooperation and would help to forge mutual understanding and improve bilateral relations between China and India, the spokesman said.

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