Wine heaven

(That's Shanghai)
Updated: 2007-08-13 11:05

As wine skyrockets in popularity, entry-level enthusiasts tend to skip the pretension, preferring instead experiences that are both educational and enjoyable.


Happily, Enoteca caters to novice oenophiles-though its impressive selection of Chilean, Argentine, South African and French boutique wines will doubtless satisfy even the most seasoned shopper. The clean, contemporary design integrates a wine bar, lounge and shop, in which bottles, ranging from RMB 80 to RMB 6,630, can be purchased and enjoyed on site. The expert staff led us to a mid-range Don Baltazar Chardonnay-Viognier 2004 (RMB 248/ 88 per glass), an elegant, refreshing blend with fresh floral aromas and exotic citric elements.


With a number of affordable options and an accessible menu which groups wines by characteristic rather than country of origin, Enoteca is the perfect pre-dinner destination for wine connoisseurs and clueless consumers alike.


Location: 53-57 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu
Tel: 021-5404 0050
Open: Daily 9am-11:30pm


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