by Tess Humphrys


Getting my first hair cut in Ningbo

One of the potentially most traumatic things a girl has to go through is finding a new hairdresser.

Share your China Stories!

Thank you for your attention and contribution to the project. We receive interesting stories and opinions almost every day; unfortunately, there are some that don't meet our editorial standards. Here are some points that we hope will help contributors.

You are welcome to share your China stories with China Daily website readers. The authors will be paid 200 yuan ($30). Please send your story to


By Paul Ransom

The Silk Freeway

For all the talk of China moving west, the onus is surely on the West to embrace China at a level deeper than dim sims and dragon parades.

By Vikash Kumar Singh

Happy to enhance China-India friendship

Vikash Kumar Singh: In India, there is a famous quote, "Kaam adhik baten kum—work more, talk less". But this slogan was practically used in China.

By Best driver(pen name)

Chinese morals

Here a sad example (another) of how in China tradition and morals are losing their place to money and arrogance.

By Dave Kerschgens

Love at first sight

Living in Beijing, especially in a non expat area introduced me to a new way of living, and taught me how to survive outside of my own comfort zone.

By David Burt

A perspective on the younger generation in China

China does have a future in its younger generation. I wish them all every success in their future endeavors in making China a stronger and better nation.

By John Boom

Running afoul of the police

It doesn't matter where you are in the world, it is never a good idea to run afoul of the police. China is no exception.