Language target set by leading university

With an expanding economy and increasing global role, China's need for speakers of less-commonly taught languages will soar over the next decade, and the leading foreign language university has pledged to meet the rising demand.

Bring Peking Opera to a global audience
A project of BFSU aims to make the entire performance art of Peking Opera easily accessible to foreign audiences, providing not only literal translations of the text but also explanations of the artistic rendition.

About BFSU

As a major university under the direct leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Education, BFSU is not only the oldest, but also the one that offers more foreign language programs than any other in China.

It serves as a national centre for teaching and research on foreign languages, foreign literature, and international studies, and as a major training centre for foreign language personnel, especially senior interpreters and translators. More>>

Time Line
March 1941: The Russian language team was founded in the third branch of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College in Yan'an. Later the team evolved into the Russian language section...

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