Immersive exhibition draws visitors into a world of senses

Dozens of immersive works by artists around the world have created a world of senses at Symptomatica Horizon, a cross-disciplinary biennale of art, science and technology.
Curated by the art group Vestige, the show directs people to reconstruct their perceptions of the world, renew their vision of the world, and activate intensified dialogues between cultures.
The show is held at the 798 Cube, an art space inside Beijing's 798 art zone, until April 30.
It addresses global issues, such as climate change and deteriorated biodiversity, by offering solutions grounded in science and technology and artists' perspectives. It shows how science has reshaped artists' approaches to depicting their subjects and engaging people in the discussion. The show also hopes to inspire creative and critical thinking about the profound influence of technology on people and society.