Lhasa residents unite to paint Potala Palace in annual tradition

At the mixing stations, many believers and volunteers have brought sugar, milk, saffron, and gelatin.
Wangyal, who hails from Qinghai province, has lived in Lhasa for 20 years and usually operates a clinic and a pharmaceutical store there. For the Potala Palace painting, he has voluntarily been responsible for mixing paint for three consecutive days. In his view, the Potala Palace holds immense sacred significance in the hearts of Tibetans, and he and others are willing to volunteer devoutly to protect it.
"I feel proud to be part of the volunteering painting this year. It's a lot of fun to paint the walls with many residents. I enjoyed contributing," said Wangyal.
The complex architectural structure of the Potala Palace requires a significant amount of painting work, with numerous volunteers involved, and the painting activity took a week.