Fashion and film combine for key anniversary
"In celebration of the 30th anniversary of The Lion King, Olivier Rousteing and the team at Balmain created a vibrant and powerful collection, beautifully capturing the heart and essence of the iconic film and the spirit of Africa," said Tasia Filippatos, president, Disney Consumer Products. "This collaboration continues Disney's lasting legacy of working with global visionaries and spotlighting future generations of creatives.
To further highlight Rousteing's distinctive personal journey, ABC Owned Television Stations presents the documentary special, On The Red Carpet Storytellers Spotlight: Disney's 'The Lion King' x Balmain, as well as a special episode of Localish Unfiltered," which will premiere on Hulu and the ABC Owned Television Stations' streaming and digital platforms on July 10. It is executive produced by Nzinga Blake, executive producer of Race & Culture at ABC Owned Television Stations.