Rediscovering their roots

Playing active role
Cheng Changying, 51, another Songyang resident, has also successfully led rural development projects in the county, such as building partnerships with farmers to promote their agricultural products via e-commerce platforms.
After successful textile and other business ventures in cities, Cheng decided in 2016 to return to his home county to invest, and play an active role, in its rural development.
His major projects include the refurbishment of a heritage ancestral temple in the county seat, turning it into a hub of art and cultural exchange. The site, which is spread over more than 800 square meters, opened to the public in 2019. It hosts at least four large-scale exhibitions a year, with facilities for folk events, artists' residence and art education programs drawing up to 5,000 people a day, on top of boutique lodging and tea appreciation sessions.
"I set up this space with the original intention of displaying tree-root carving collections. Its role later expanded to become multifunctional," Cheng said.
"Through these efforts, we can help extend the historical life of ancient architectural villages and houses for the whole community."