
Thai parliament passes charter amendment into law

Updated: 2011-02-11 15:58
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BANGKOK - The Thai parliament on Friday voted to give its final approval to pass into law a constitutional amendment bill that will make it easier for the government to enter into agreements with foreign nations.

Senate President Prasobsuk Boondej announced that the joint sitting of the House of Representatives and Senate voted 397 to 19, with 10 abstentions, to amend Section 190 of the current 2007 constitution, the current wording of which requires the government to request approval from the bicameral parliament for almost all of agreements it plans to enter into with a foreign nation.

The amendments approved in this third and final reading will require the drafting of a separate piece of legislation that will classify the various types of bilateral and multi-lateral agreements the Thai government would need approval from the parliament.  

The joint sitting still has to vote on another constitutional amendment bill that will change the electoral system of House members.
